
Opor ayam

Opor Ayam

1 chicken (1 to 1½ kg)
8 tablespoons groundnut oil
1 large onion
2 cloves of garlic
1 teaspoon trassi
200 ml water
1 dessertspoon goela Djawa
300 ml Coconut milk
pepper, salt & kecap manis
4 hard boiled eggs


4 kemiri nuts
1 teaspoon coriander
1 teaspoon cumin
1 teaspoon laos powder
½ teaspoon turmeric


Divide the chicken into 4 equal portions, wash and dry. Rub in pepper and salt.
Dice the onion and crush the garlic.
Crush or grate the kemiri nuts and mix with the coriander, cumin, laos and turmeric.

In a thick bottomed pan, heat the oil and fry the chicken on all sides to a golden colour. Reduce the heat slightly and add the onions and garlic, stir until the onion is cooked and nicely browned. Add the bumbu's and fry for a further 2 minutes then add the trassi and fry for a further minute.
Now add the water and goela Djawa to the pan. Bring to the boil and cover the pan with a lid and simmer the chicken on a low heat for a further 30 minutes until well done.
Remove lid and add the coconut milk and, leaving the lid of the pan, reduce the sauce to about half. Bring to taste with pepper, salt or kecap manis. Add the peeled, hard boiled eggs.

Serve with boiled rice and atjar.

Bubur Ayam

This dish is best discribed as a savoury "rice-pudding". It makes a tasty lunchtime dish, or, if you're one of the converted, a nice breakfast dish to see you through the rest of the day.
Bubur Ayam

1 Chicken (approx. 800 gr.)
1½ Ltr. water.
400 gr. Rice.
2 Tbs. Chinese light Soy.
2 Tsp. Garlic Powder
salt & pepper to taste
Chopped Parsley or Coriander leaf.
Omelet strips (made from 2 eggs)
Bawang goreng. (deef fried Onions)


Quarter chicken and put with water on low flame for 1 hour to make stock. Remove chicken.
Put the crushed shells from the eggs used for the omelet in the stock and stir well,on low flame, for a minute. Pass stock through a muslin cloth to clarify.
Wash the rice and boil in the stock for ½ hour until done. (must be sticky and thick).
Add the soy, garlic, salt, pepper and shredded chicken and simmer for a further 15 Minutes.
Decorate with omelet, onions and parsly or coriander. serve hot.